Monday, October 28, 2013

太漂亮了!甜菜根双色吐司 Beetroot Loaf






Beetroot dough

(A)– mix well and leave in fridge overnight in airtight container

350g High protein flour

230g water (I replace all with beetroot paste*)

½ tsp instant yeast

 * beetroot paste -  blend raw beetroot + some water in a blender till smooth


150g flour (90g high protein, 60g wholemeal flour)

50g sugar

½ tsp salt

75g milk

50g egg

All (A)

30g butter


Milk dough
215g High protein flour

25g wholemeal flour

1/2tsp instant yeast

15g castor sugar

1/3tsp salt

20g butter

10g milk powder

1 egg

105ml milk


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